Friday, August 8, 2008

Flight nowhere

I look out
past the wing of the airplane
and I see white hills
and blue seas
with occasional patches of flickering lights
the sun coming up in the east
what a beautiful land it is
I don't recognize it
like a fairly tale of blizzards
and tundra in drifts of freshness...

any time now
I expect a herd of elks
to run by
ghost-like through the white plains...

a blanket covering
this country to keep it warm
and safe from the little devils
and angels laughing
in a dance of fornication sweat...

I wasn't born in this land
in the deserts of Texas
or the cobbled streets of New England
or the vineyards of the west
but I feel like the misplaced son
that's gotta go, gotta stay, gotta be...

I have no choice
but be imprisoned for ever in this net of "freedom"
and tell you that it isn't free
but could be.
I have no choice...
and if I did, that would be
my choice.

I don't want to run ghost-like
through your white plaines
of weightless clouds...
I want to run freely
through your macadamed streets,
cotton fields, and endless plains.

Neat don't you think? OK I did not write this. My son did... This piece is part of a "chap-book" by François titled "Theories on sardines, cats, and much much more" published in 1993 while he was attending college. He gave a signed copy to me as a 1993 Christmas gift. François recently published another book, "Beer Songs For The Lonely" using his own publishing company. He signed it as F.K. Needles. See for yourself at

Un peu de Français ? Il y en aura certainement de temps à autre. Tout cela (blog et patati et patata) est tout nouveau pour moi. Laissez-moi un peu de temps pour me rôder...

Allez, à la prochaine.